
We are thankful and grateful for your membership which keeps our Temple and Sangha strong and vibrant for today and for future generations.

Your membership will keep our temple thriving.

Membership submission options:

  • Online Membership with payment by secure credit card through the *Buddhist Church of Florin’s PayPal account
  • Mail-in Membership Form with payment by check.

*Note: An additional PayPal processing fee will be automatically added to membership dues fee.

Note: For change of address or other, please use the Mail-in Membership From.

Please direct membership questions to

The Buddhist Church of Florin thanks you for your continued support and generosity.

The online membership form is used for New Memberships or Membership Renewals.

New Memberships, or Renewals are made via a secure credit card payment through our *Buddhist Church of Florin PayPal account.

*Note: An additional PayPal processing fee will be automatically added to membership dues fee.

Note: For Change of Address or Other Information, please use the Mail-in Membership Form.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

2025 Online Membership Form

Membership Details

Red “*” Denotes a “required” field.

Membership Category

Primary Member

Primary Name
Primary Date of Birth
Primary Email

Secondary Member

Secondary Name
Secondary Date of Birth
Secondary Email

Mailing Address


Children at home under age 25

Children at home under the age 25: (List last name if different than above)
Child #1 Name
Child #1 DoB
Child #1 Gender
Child #2 Name
Child #2 DoB
Child #2 Gender
Child #3 Name
Child #3 DoB
Child #3 Gender
Child #4 Name
Child #4 DoB
Child #4 Gender
Membership Plan
Price: $0.00
Total Due is total amount due based on Payment Preference

The below membership form is used for New Memberships or Membership Renewals, Change of Address/Name(s) and Other Member Information.

New Memberships, or Renewals can be made to the Buddhist Church of Florin by check, mailed along with the filled-out Membership form to:

Buddhist Church of Florin
P.O. Box 292006
Sacramento, CA 95829-2006

Or made via a secure credit card payment through our Buddhist Church of Florin PayPal account, using the “Use this donation for” designation, selecting the Membership Dues option, and then mail the Membership form to the above address. If you use this option, it is very important that you mail in the filled-out Membership form with the “Check if paying via PayPal: “, entry checked.